Man Knitting

I made this right before I began graduate school. Let's see, that would have been the summer of 2002 (?). K picked the pattern and the yarn for his sweater. The pattern is from Jean Moss' "Sculpted Knits" book from XRX. I would have chosen a lighter color of yarn to show off the cables, but he really liked the charcoal. The yarn is Rowan's Felted Tweed. I think the color is discontinued. Since I was using a yarn that was not in the book, I carefully calculated how much I would need for his project, and then ordered about 8 balls too many! Ahhh, the stuff was expensive. Oh how I wish Knit Picks had existed in 2002. I had so much left over, I knitted a vest for myself from one of Cheryl Oberle's patterns. I knitted it in about 3 days. It was perfect, except that I installed the pocket upside down! I still have not brought myself to fix it. I guess part of the problem is that I really think it's disgusting when couples wear matching stuff, and I worry this may happen. I guess I'm lazy too.
I can't say I enjoyed making this sweater. It was the MOST tedious thing I have ever made. Thankfully, I undertook this project before I had a closet full of other things I'd rather work on, or I would not have finished it. It was one of the first big knitting projects I took on, and it took me months. If I had to do it over again, I would have knitted the collar right on to the darn thing. I vaguely recall the directions indicating that one should knit the collar, then sew it on. Just knit the fricken' thing on! The three needle bind off would have been more humane than sewing the thing together. I learned that from Cheryl Oberle's vest pattern. Why hand sew this stuff when you can do that WHILE binding off? Oh the humanity!
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