Log Cabin

I got the Mason Dixon knitting book. It takes a lot to wow-me, knitting book-wise, but this one is good. Normally newer knitting books that tout "simple projects" mean projects made with icky, scratchy novelty yarn knit on size 19 needles. Bluck. These are simple projects that could take for ever to knit; they are perfect. While waiting on more yarn for the Hanne Hindenberg I'm trying to rescue from my own mistakes, I knitted a little log cabin blanket. It's my ABD blanket. I knitted most of it a few days before and a few after my exam. I used most of the colors from the Knit Picks Palette Sampler, save the icky bright orange and the black. I intended to use the black to do an I-cord bind off on the edges, but I'm not sure this is done yet. I may come back to it in a few weeks. Or not.
i heart quilty looking yarnish things.
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